Bergen Rocks...Pauls Sculpture
A pose around Paul's Celtic Cross. The cross represents Irish tradition and culture, he carved a feather on the face of the shaft which to him represents Canadian heritage. Works for me!!!
A full shot of the Celtic Cross, it is placed with the arms north and south so that in the morning and evening as the sun rises and sets the light shines through the "lights". Every morning I will be able to see the lights will be shining right at the window of my house if I get up with the sun.

Eileen Hiedler from Edmonton has been down a few times over the last couple of weeks, the volunteers from the SAA have been a huge help with site prep, signage, meals.....and gets a chance here to get here hands on the stone.Well everyone is pulling together on things that simply need to be done, volunteerism has been awesome.

Now that the top of the cross is laid out Paul starts on the shaft. The two pieces will be assembled before he does the finishing work.

Sawing, drilling and chiseling is noisey and dusty, provides excellent photo ops and just plain ole interesting/exciting to watch.

Here the lights are becoming more defined/detailed.

The "lights" are marked out on one side of the cross here, he has started to remove material from the top two.

We used the shaft of Paul's cross for the opening ceremonies, on the stage. After the white hat ceremony and being granted honorary citezenship of Calgary they all stood on the stone and held the "ribbon" to be cut with a grinder.

The top section of the cross is roughed out

Paul's stone wieghed 34,900lb, he will cleave it into several peices. The finished cross will likely be about 12 feet tall.

The night everyone came in we stayed up for a while after getting home and had a nice time renewing aquaintences.
The pictures are simply wonderful and very entertaining. I may never find words that describe how this art form affects me. One life touches so many... how could I have been so lucky to have crossed paths with Paul Patrick and his work? Congratulations on this evolving masterpiece.
Good job lads! Keep it up! Looking forward to seeing you all next week - I will of course have missed all of the hard work and will arrive just in time for the glory. Hopefully there will be something left for me to do. See you soon. Jxx
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