Bergen Rocks...Hung's Sculpturestart at the bottom of the page
Tran Viet Hung"Ying and Yang" shortly after it was installed. Should look about the same after 1000 years and with proper care much longer. Dirt will be placed on the slab and seeded with grass, as with "Movement in Space" they will appear to rise more dramatically, right out of the ground.
Of course we all have to pose after the work is successful.
Hung finished up with a few days to spare so he carved this set of lips from sandstone and hung in in the trees near my house. It is the 12 month mistletoe, so get caught under it and you are obliged to have a passionate kiss.

Cutting the face into the figure.

A good view of the figure that will lay on top of the upright column.

Chiseling the face of his granite column

Smoothing the face of the column after chiseling it flat

The marble column is cleaved in two, Hung will use almost all of this material for his sculpture. 7000 lbs of granite.

Today we cleaned up his work area, after taking two large chunks away only the two pieces that will make his sculpture remain.

Carving a shape into the column.

Cutting some details on his figure

At lunch and supper we have a little fun sometimes, Hung shows off his skill shooting clay balls into a bottle.
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