Bergen Rocks...Aug 18

Hung's column is his main focus now, he will polish the figure later. Now he is working to ensure that creating the form of the column doesn't drag into the final days of the symposium, we only have 11 days left until we begin installing the sculptures.

Peerapong is back to using the big saw again today, and taking off some sizeable pieces, he hopes to start detailing in 2 days.

Cuong's hand today.
Hung is cutting a recess in one face of his column, he has already cut the edges at a 45 deg angle.

Eileen worked on Paul's shaft for part of the day.
everybody is running up to the final..and it looks like Cuong is almost there :) time flies..we wish u all the best of luck from Saigon!
-Kim To, To Lan, To Uyen-
I just visited your symposium on the weekend quite by accident. I was quite impressed and have mentioned the show on my blogspot and mentioned to many friends. Hopefully you will be doing this again next year with MUCH MORE advertising.
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