The Cubans kept at it too, we had breaks for snowball fights etc but it was mostly work as there is only a short time to complete the sculptures.

Kicking myself that I didn't take any pictures of Hung's sculpture of Ho Chi Minh, I did take this short clip of the work on it. This portion of the sculpture is up to the knees, so you can get an idea of just how large it is. In the backgound you can see the model of the torso and the granite sculpture. There is another torso behind this worker that will be destroyed as the work began on it when Hung was in Bergen, when he returned he found that some proportions were out and the piece could not be saved. OOOOPS! I do have a still pic of the model in the studio where you can see the design of the whole sculpture I think it will be about 30 feet tall when it is installed. I will see Hung this morning, I hope he brings me some pictures, he just finished the instalation yesterday. I was surprised when I got to the work site that there were two busts in granite. Hung wasn't happy with the way the first one worked out so they started all over again on that.
At the restaruant near the studio food is weighed live at your table before it is prepared for you. The picture of the chicken on a scale earlier in my blog is at the same place, this is normal and practical. Your food is fresh and doesn't require refrigeration at the restaurant. That cuts down on power use and spoilage, both of those are a big concern at home in food stores an restaurants at home. Maybe we could take a lesson from this practical way of doing things.
My friend Hang's son is a painter, sculptor and musician. The day I visited thier home he played one of the songs he wrote. I got a real kick out of the sheer enjoyment Hang had for his son's music, he is such an energetic man and delights in his own creations and those of others. I will miss all of these guys until I see them again.
This is a short video taken in the home of Van Ngoc, Cuong took me to meet him the weekend we visited Vung Tao. To really do justice to the body of work that he has just in his home would require a full length documentary. I was enthralled, couldn't really visit because there was just too much to see there, even his dining room table is a work of art in it's mass and simplicity. I think it must weigh close to 600lbs in solid teak. Well everything in the house is a work of art even if it is something utilitarian. I expect the pots they cook in are hand made and decorated. I hope I will see Ngoc in November when I come back for the opening of the exhibit.
One night on the way to Cuong's house the traffic was a little heavier than normal so I decided to take a short clip of that. The way that traffic moves here reminds me of a flock of bird or a school of fish. Since being here and traveling 100's of km on a motorbike I have only seen one accident so far. In Canada we could never move this volume of traffic. It may seem disorganized but there is a system and I think it works extremely well. If there is no lane in front of you you can move to the side. Although horns are honking all of the time they do not mean that someone is annoyed at another, just letting them know where each other are. You do get used to all of the honking and beeping, now I ride like everyone else, just enjoying everything that is going on and letting the driver do the driving.
The studio when I first arrived, the main work that is going on is a series of fiberglass sculptures that will be used in colleges, universities and art schools for studying the heman figure. There is a bunch of other work at the same time in metal, stone, and clay as well as my piece from wood. I could spend a few years here, well a lifetime, and never be bored.
As I mentioned earlier the work on the figures is pretty much complete and they have moved onto a project that involves embossing a large number of metal sheets. Shown here are three sculptors working on that project including my friend Minh. He just returned from a symposium in Korea and today is the first time I have had a chance to see him. Seems crazy but I have a pile of good friends here in Viet Nam, well actually around the world when I think about it. It is neat that we run into each other in so many places. My friends Noell and Mervy will be here for the exhibition in November and then on to Hanoi for a symposium there. Paul Haggins and Peerapong will also participate in that one, wish I could be too but there is too much work to do at home now. I think that now that we have had one symposium in Bergen it is important not to let that idea die with the first event and some communities in Alberta are interested in creating one of thier own next year too. Here we go!!!!!!!......I hope.
It is amazing to see how fast the work develops when experts are doing it. Minh has turned a sheet of metal into a work of art since this morning, I hope I will get a chance to see the finished work when it is installed. From the number of sheets that are here at the studio I think it is going to cover a very large space or maybe it will be several individual ones. I wonder what they will be working on when I get back the end of Nov. Well I must get going here, putting the gold leaf on my sculpture today and last minute details to Ice, Wood and Fire.
It just wouldn't be Russia without Cossack dancing
Some body always got in on the action, here Levon Tokmajyan from Armenia was really enjoying the performance and the singer got him up to participate.
Matundo from Kenya pulled out his native folk music every once in a while and everyone loved it!! I think of him as a good friend now and hope that we can have in to Canada for his awesome sculpture and personality.
I guess I should add a clip of me working, here I am taking material out for the negative space in the lower element of my sculpture. Big strokes with the striking tool and using a large chisel.
Here I work on a detail. By cutting the edge of the opening at a 45 degree angle I create contrast which makes the form of the negative space very easy to see, creates a clean crisp outline.
More ethinic music, these guys could really jam.
This is the minister of culture speaking at the ceremony where we each recieved some beautiful gifts and a certificate recognizing our participation.
After the ceremony we had our last supper together, 5 star! About 8 courses were capped off with roast suckling pig. Then the last night of fun began.
I think evryone danced.....and danced and took a thousand pictures, we leave for Moscow tommorow night.
While we waited for the bus Matundo sang for us one last time. There was a lot of hugs and a few tears even though we will be on the bus for the next six hours. So that's it for Russia. When we got to Moscow I decided to go to Thailand for the opening of Peerapong's exhibit at the National Museum of Art and Culture in Bangkok. We got to Moscow about 7am and I was able to fly out at 8pm so I spent the day in the city with a few other sculptors who didn't fly out right away either.
Now that I have figured out how to get on to my blog myself I can also put on some of the interesting videos. Christine Pinder from the Atti2ude Club has been posting my blog info until now as I could not get into the edit page in English. Thanks to Christine for that and to everyone that has followed my trip this fall. I hope that it has inspired more interest in art for some people that took the time to have a look.
Just had to put this one on here as I think it sounds unbelievable, everywhere we went in Russia as a group we were escorted by police with lights flashing all the way. Our trips were in a beautiful bus with a tour guide telling us about points of interest and historical facts about the area. It is pretty typical that we get treated very nicely when we gather to create art in whatever culture we visit, this was a new level for me!! Thanks to the organizers for the wonderful cultural trips we went on and all the other special things they did for us. The comraderie that we developed will make any one of us glad to come back again I'm sure.
I just had to include two videos of this group of child performers, all of the sculptors were impressed to the max. Thier talent and the choreogaphy were mind blowing. The smiles on our faces spoke for our appreciation for the effort they put into showing us a good time, I'm so pleased to have had an opportunity to be here and to leave a piece of my work that I hope will be enjoyed by the people here.
Another night young and specialy talented musicians entertained us, this girl about age 12 I think, was a mind blowing guitarist.
Same night as the guitarist, these young accordian players were fantastic, two boys and a girl.
This young singer on another night had a beautiful costume and an impressive band backing her up.
This girl singing on the same night had everyone in the spirit with the lively songs she sang.