Today was Sunday and another day for cultural excursion. Our bus full of sculptors had a tour of Penza and explaination of the history. The city of Penza is just over 350 years old and known as the cultural capitol of the Volga region. Our tour started with a stop at the school and gallery of childrens art, then a monument to those that lost thier lives in wars and the church next door where many of us purchased candles and left in the shrine. We also went to the performing arts centre where the Penza Philharmonic put on a private performance just for!! what a show. The Penza zoo was another stop where 3% of the worlds Amur tigers have been born now. It was a wonderful day and as usual I took 100 photos along with video of the musical performance. When I got back to the hotel I erased them all by mistake, good thing I download them each day or I'd have lost more. Tommorrow is the last day of the symposium, I only have to add the color that I plan to use and assemble my sculpture with the crane, should be finished by lunch time and spend the rest packing and taking pictures of me with other sculptors which was kind of my project today.
Here I am at one of the galleries in Moscow with one of the official casts of a famous sculpture by Rodin. I think most people will recongnize it " the thinker"
A dusty sculptor
Saturo Takata pondering his yet to be assembled piece.
About half of the sculptures are wood, this is one that was finished quite early on.
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