Thank you to everyone that sent proposals for our symposium this year. There were more than 170 proposals for only 5 positions, it is very difficult to chose so few. We are very happy to announce that a sponsor, Elements at Rivers Edge, has partnered with Bergen Rocks to allow us to invite 3 more sculptors this year. It was a very difficult task for the selection panel, there were so many proposals that we would like to include. As the event grows we hope we will be able to host more artists each year. The selection committee had a huge task, the artists chosen for this year below:
Alessio Ranaldi- Italy
Kyoung Min Uk- Korea
Amgalan Tsevegmid-Mongolia

Jean Paul Chablais-France
was awarded an important commission that he must complete during the time of the symposium- unfortunately he will not be able to participate and realize his proposed sculpture "Dancing Figure". We will have seven sculptors rather than eight as planned.
New Venue!!!!!!
Bergen Rocks will be hosted this year on campus at Red Deer Collge, in Red Deer Alberta.
Along with the new venue is a new name:
Bergen Rocks RDC!!!
I am so pleased with this development, being held in a larger centre will make it much easier for people to come out and witness the transformation of raw stone into monumental works of art. The site will be open to the public everyday except Tuesdays when the participants will take a day off and enjoy a trip to some of the sights around Alberta.
Volunteer Opportunities
It is interesting and unique to have the opportunity to visit the work site and witness 100,000 of raw marble being transformed into art works that will remain in our society for at least 2000 years, even take a piece home with them that was chipped off their favorite sculpture.
The sculptures are very large and there are only 27 working days over the month, some of the works could not be completed without assistance. People who would like to assist the international artists can sign up by emailing me For out of town volunteers we can provide meals and accomodations on campus. Let me know what dates are best for you and I'll confirm with you.
- July 15- --------------A little more than 100,000 lb of white marble with grey streaks, similar to the marble from BC used in the first three symposia will arrive from Viet Nam
- July 25-27 -----------The sculptors will arrive from Mongolia, China, Korea, Turkey, Italy
- July 28----------------Opening Ceremonies in the morning, working on the stones begins after lunch. It's easy to find on campus as it will be staged beside the large oil derrick, take the main entrance into the College and take your first left. Follow around until you see the parking lot with the oil derrick on your right and park there to walk to the site. For more information and directions go to
- August 28-----------An official closing ceremony will be held Sunday, 5:00-7:00. Go to for more information.
- Aug 31---------------The sculptors will depart, maybe have a chance for a day at the lake before heading home.
Hello Mr. Burke:
You selected a very nice group of great sculptors, congratulations!
aldo shiroma.
Good luck colleagues, hope the weathergods are with you !!!
Dear Morton: Here we go again!!! Another year of great sculpting. Congratulations on your expandsion of sponsors, etc. They know a good thing when they see it! Looking forward to your posts as you can find the time!!!!!! ROCK ON! Deb
Thanks Shiroma, Thierry and Debbie Doo, Cool that you are back again this year Debbie, I didn't think about anyone following the event from afar and keeping it up for four years. Hope you get a chance to come up and see the Bergen Sculpture Park sometime, you're a great supporter. Hope we meet again soon Thierry, I am going to free up some sculpting time for myself this fall.
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